Meat Eating vs. Veganism: A Detailed Rant

Meat Eating vs. Veganism: A Detailed Rant

Nowadays I'm seeing way too many extreme vegans/vegetarians (or as I like to call them PETA sheeple), and as a vegan and animal rights activist I would like to clarify a few things about the real problems that bother me, in hope meat eaters will stop hating on vegans so much. I also hope that after reading this you'll understand my point, and finally there won't be any missunderstanding.

I don't hate the fact people eat meat, I hate how the meat industry works, that's what I would like to change

Once upon a time people used to hunt down their food, or raise the animals in an organic free-range farm. But today everything is industrial, the animals don't even get to live a life, they're filled with diseases and are separated from their mothers, and mass killed in inhumane ways.

Even meat eaters get disgusted by all the documentaries about meat factories. Try watch even a bit of some documentaries like Food Inc or Earthlings and try not to feel disgusted. I just think the way it's done today is so unethical and cruel, I just wish we could have more organic free range farms or more natural hunting.

I don't expect everyone to stop eating meat right now, instead I expect people to get their meat in more humane ways.

People claim it's natural, but when was the last time you saw lions mass farming gazelles?

I really love animals, and I believe it's our duty as humans (aka the strongest creatures on this planet) to protect them, or at least make sure they're okay

Meat Eating vs. Veganism: A Detailed Rant

Ever since I was a child, everyone around me noticed how much I connect with animals and love them. So during certain times, I just feel so much pain and sadness because of the suffering animals go through, I lash out at meat eaters, which I admit is wrong, because they won't learn anything good from it other than hating on me and other vegans, but I'm asking you to understand how depressed it makes me feel to know so many animals suffer.

I've dedicated my entire life to fighting for animals and taking care of animals, the thought we humans, are so horrible and cruel to them everyday breaks my heart. I don't understand how can people do that. I don't understand how some of you are okay with this.

The only thing I truly hate about meat eaters is hypocrisy and childish behaviour, not the fact you eat meat

When certain meat eaters don't care about the chickens or cows they eat, but the moment people treat dogs or cats the same way meat factories treat other "less worthy" animals, everyone goes insane. I'm not saying either deserves this, but why is one animal more important than the other?

Tell me, what's the difference between these two images? Why is one picture inhumane and controversial but the second is natural and okay?

Meat Eating and Veganism - a Rant
Meat Eating vs. Veganism: A Detailed Rant

Also when meat eaters get mad when you mention to them the fact they're eating a dead animal, why are they so upset? If someone would walk up to me and say "you're eating wheat" I'd be like "yeah, I know". The mere fact you're getting triggered when I tell you you're eating a dead animal, just means you're ashamed of it as well. If you weren't ashamed of the fact you're eating an animal who suffered a lot before its death, you wouldn't get so pissed off when I describe to you exactly what you're eating.

Ignoring the truth won't make it any less the truth, we can't just swipe our problems under the rug and pretend they never happened, it's fucking 2016, come on people.

As for the childish behaviour part, I have a few questions I genuinely want answers for. Lots of meat eaters always respond to things like this with the dumbest things ever, like screaming "BACON" or saying "fuck you". So please, meat eaters who aren't childish, enlighten me with legitimate answers.

Meat Eating vs. Veganism: A Detailed Rant

- Why are you so offended when someone tells you you're eating a dead animal? That's literally what you're eating, denying the truth won't make it any less the truth

- Why is it okay to kill some animals but killing other types of animals is cruel and controversial? Science has proofs that pigs are way smarter than dogs, why are they worth less?

- Why are you so annoyed at vegans who shove opinions down your throat when you're the one who willingly clicks on vegan articles and videos (like this mytake, don't you dare say I'm shoving opinions down your throat because YOU are the one who willingly clicked on this mytake. what did you expect? praises about how meat is good for you?)

- If humans naturally eat meat, explain why raw meat is bad for us.

- Like 99% of you said you wouldn't step on a puppy for a million dollars, but you're willingly paying for other people to do the same to other baby animals everyday. So let me get this straight, if you're not the one who's doing the dirty job, then it's ethical and normal, ohhhh, okay I get it now!

- Why are you so obsessed over the canine thing? There are many herbivores who have canines, you know

Well, I've said everything I needed to say. Forgive me society for being a human being with feelings and compassion towards other living beings, and not being centered around myself all the time. damn.

Meat Eating vs. Veganism: A Detailed Rant
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