Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)


Ready for some more fun? Set your triggers to go off at a sneeze you whiny bitches and get ready for an avalanche.

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

So let's get started! Look ladies, you're just as garbage as men when it comes to double standards. First you want to be treated like royalty, demanding all this chivalry and gentlemanly attitude, then hand you a shitty erotic novel and you're begging for Christian gray to make you his little fuck toy. Face it, women are a bunch of gold diggers cause what you really his money.

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

Am I right? Of course I am.

there are other double standards that women exploit, but what about the biggest cop-out of them all?

Sorry, I'm on my period☺️

Get mad at your friends? Blame the period. Eat a whole tub of ice cream? You're not a fat bitch your just on the rag. Punch your boyfriend in the face? That pesky crimson tide. Reenact the purge movie and Hannibal Lecter someone's liver? Just tell the cops,

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

Its the go to excuse. The trump card of any argument. One need only mention "that time of the month" and everyone takes a step back, all because of a trickle of blood and a few cramps. I guess I just don't know what circle of hell you're equating periods to because Dante didn't include one that was only mildly annoying.

Speaking of hell and periods, why have these things been placed together in religions? Muslims and Christians alike can refer to their "holy" books and see examples of how obsessed they are with period blood and how it makes women unclean in body and spirit.

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

I guess it's not suprising😒 What do you expect from ignorant, volcano worshiping, Bronze Age desert dwellers ? They don't know that period blood is part of a natural biological process so They make up whatever nonsense that fits their pathetically narrow experience and bam they turn it into a religion. The only good that came of that was us being able to extract information from terrorists by soaking a Quran in period blood😂.......also water boarding, yeah we did that too😐

But honestly would we even have these terrorists if not for religion?

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

Yeah yeah, Islam means peace and all that shit right? Oh wait no, it actually means submit. And I'm not just joking for the sake of the roast that's a literal translation. And Muslim means "one who SUBMITS to God"

but it what's worse than that? The muslimahs who defend Islam as if it has no problems. Seriously I know men can be stubborn but they have nothing on women. The ones who straight up lie and say "Islams not misogynistic, I'm wearing a black wool bag in the middle of desert because I WANT to"

no, you can suck my ass with that bullshit. Why are these women so stubborn they can't bother to admit that Islam could use a makeover in the human rights department? It's like when mix XX chromosomes and religious zeal, you get...ultra mega stupid😒 And it's not just Muslims ok? You Christians have Kim Davis and that Becky fisher cuntasaurus so don't think I'm not being evenhanded when I meat out the criticism.

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

How can I not be fair about it? Religion is our dumbest invention in all of history and I've seen the shit that comes out of Japan.

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)

Religion. It's still worse than this.

Well I had fun😊 Was it good for you too? Let me know what you think and if you liked the roast be sure to 👍🏼

Roasting Women and Religion: Because Turnabout is Fair Play (SATIRE)
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