You Can't Let People Walk All Over You

Today, I will get right down to the point. Most of my recent myTakes have all been about the well being of yourself, preventing any possible exploitive motifs, and one by one, I will explain them all.


You Can't Let People Walk All Over You

A recent poll, presenting a small statistic representing those who have been bullied, seen bullies, or believe it happens and is tolerated. The thing is with bullies, although they're weak themselves for picking on those who they find weak, you are allowing yourself to be picked on by tolerating this behavior, thus letting the bully walk all over you.

I've also had experience with bullying, of course. The guy wouldn't stop.. Kept calling me names, annoyingly teasing me, etc, but eventually I figured that he would never stop, until I made myself clear that I wasn't going to tolerate his behavior anymore. I had to fight back, and he left me alone.

Early Sex

You Can't Let People Walk All Over You

This is my Take on why women avoid sex on the first date, and although I know a great relationship can spark after a enjoyment-releasing night sex session after a first date, the contrary can happen as well, and you'd want to make sure that you are not being used for sex, letting people walk all over you. Sex is an intimate period, something that should stay special to those having it. I'm sure I could have sex without an emotional connection, but it's not going to be with someone I don't care for.

Gold Diggers

You Can't Let People Walk All Over You

Do you tend to supply your crush with constant gifts in hopes that they'd like you back? Do you tend to lend people money all the time? Do you tend to be more of a giver rather than a receiver? Well unfortunately in this day and age especially, people can and will take advantage of you, taking your gold because you let them walk all over you.

There is always a safe quantity of "gold" that you can always give, but you'll need to make sure that you receive something as well, and that includes positive emotion such as love. In a healthy relationship, one person cannot love too much more than the other. There must be balance, or it becomes unhealthy. Same goes for friendships and gifts. Nothing should be one-sided here.

Physical Abuse

You Can't Let People Walk All Over You

Physical abuse should never be an answer for emotional relief. You see abusive relationships where aggressive men are hitting women out of anger, dissatisfaction, or other petty reasons, and women hitting men because of their feelings of entitlement. This can be a very controversial belief, but everyone has the right to self defense, and no one should tolerate ANYONE aggressively hitting you without some form of self defense. Unless you stop the abuse somehow someway, they will keep going. They will lose their respect for you, with you letting them walk all over you.

This goes against the belief that men should never hit women, but I've always believed that no one should take assault and abuse too lightly. It's a very serious matter (that could hopefully be slowed), but physical abusers, both men and women are similar to bullies, and should be treated as such.

Emotional Abuse

You Can't Let People Walk All Over You

My favorite example is of minorities that are not accepted by others around them based off of their religious beliefs, races or colors, or sexual orientation. Becoming an atheist or a bisexual are not phases, and we never chose to be that way. It's just what happened, kind of like a fate. It doesn't necessarily mean that we were meant to be what we are, but it doesn't mean that we can ever change the way we are because others, even close family and friends, do not agree.

You won't be able to change your religious beliefs that easily, you can't control who you're attracted to, and you can't change your race. You are who you are, and since no one else can change that, no one should be walking all over you.

You'd also want to be up top, right?

You Can't Let People Walk All Over You
Post Opinion