Have any of you knew this stuff? Do you know how deep the rabbit hole goes?

Did you know that we have 2 constitutions? Yes, this true. We have the organic constitution FOR the United States of America, and then we have the constituon OF the UNITED STATES. The 2 constitutions are completely identical except for one word. FOR and OF. Most of you are reading this and are asking how is this relevant. You have no idea how much relevance and impact that one word has on you life! The UNITED STATES is a corporation. They are NOT a government. What is a government? It is a contract. What contract is that? Its the constitution. People do not understand what happen during the civil war. They thought Abraham Lincoln was some benovolent saint that wanted to free all the slaves. No, he was a tyrant that cared less about freeing slaves. He did what he did to strengthen the union! The truth to the history is that the Yankees were the aggressos, and the Confederate Army were the good guys fighting for states rights over the federal government (10th amendment) When the war was over, the government transitioned into a corporation and rewrote the constituton changing only one word! The UNITED STATES is a foreing entity on a foreign country. It only exists in the 10 square miles known as the District Of Columbia! So we have a a organic constitution ratified by congress in 1789 FOR the Unites States of America, and then we have the constituton OF the corporation known as the UNITED STATES. So you have a constitution for a corporation that is in effect, and then you have a oranic constitution for the people which is nearly inneffect! Stop voting, your vote means nothing! Every candidate is a puppet and have no real lgeitimacy!

Four elements are required to have a country. None of which exist today on American soil.
1) A government of, by and for the people.

2) De jure law, a judiciary and judicial. branch of government.

3) A de jure military.

4) Lawful money (backed by substance such as gold and silver).
UCC1-308 All rights reserved without prejudice!
A) I am all for abolishment
B) I know which puppet I will be voting for
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+1 y
The EIN (Employer Identification Number) for the United States federal corporation (pursuant to and under Title 28 USC sec. 3002 > Ch. VI, par. 176 > sub par. 15 (A)) is 16 1906078. The Dun & Bradstreet number for the United States federal corporation is 052714196.
+1 y
America is a British Colony. The 'United States' is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)
Have any of you knew this stuff? Do you know how deep the rabbit hole goes?
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