Why do guys randomly text? Why are guys so confusing?

i met this guy through a friend and I thought he was really cute. I added him on facebook and he message me asking if we met 2 nights ago and I said yes and we talked ever since. we had a really long convo that day then I told him I thought he was cute and he said the same and that he didn't want to be awkward and say it first. we exchanged numbers and he texted me a lot for 2 weeks then everything stopped which I did not care since we are both busy people with school and work. there was one night that I was going downtown with a girlfriend and I invited him to see if he was up to hangout that night and surprisingly he came and met up with us. he looked at me a lot, and would always follow me when ever I left. I was dancing with one of my girlfriends and he sneakily came up behind me and danced with me all night. there was one point where I grabbed his hand lightly to come but he then adjusted his hand to hold mine. I was really surprised. He also sends me mixed signals and I don't know if he really likes me or if he just wants to get into my pants. so my question are:

1.why do guys randomly text without say hi or what's up? ... but instead text saying something random like we never stopped talking from day one.

2. would just any guy be okay to just hold some girls hand that they only hung out with once or twice?

Why do guys randomly text? Why are guys so confusing?
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