Why I Voted For a Brexit

Why I Voted For a Brexit

So after two days of dealing with the abuse and belittling of my choice in the EU referendum, I feel it's time to explain my decision on why I voted out of the EU.

To make this as simple as possible so that both people who understand politics and don't can understand my reasonings.

Now I see the EU and Britain as a couple, they are in a relationship and have been together for so many years, having dealt with many issues in the past - however lately the EU begins dictating Britain, telling them what to do, who they can be with, who they can see etc. All in all the EU is very possessive and controlling, now as the adult Britain is he voices his concerns and problems to the EU hoping to amend these to move forward. This does not go well - dismissing our issues EU goes about with their day.

Now we have two choices - do we stay and continue on this restricting pathway where none of our concerns are being heard or done about just because we're afraid of what we'll lose? Because were just about comfortable where we are and because we know what we are getting?

Why I Voted For a Brexit

Or do we leave? Set ourselves free and not be dictated too, to deal with our concerns on our own and not feel restricted. To go out and make new connections with other countries which could eventually become amazing for us.

Yes, we could enjoy the single life, to date around the field and boom massively with popularity. Or we could forever be sad and lonely, the thing is no one knows what the future holds, however, I do know this - even in a time of sad and loneliness nothing lasts forever.

So I hope that people can see why I voted out, it wasn't due to immigration (I'm half Hungarian) or because I lack education (Study Business and Management at Uni) I voted out because our voices were not being heard and if they weren't being listened too now when would they ever? I sure as hell do not want to be in a relationship where my needs are not being met and I am being restricted to do things. Now other than safety and security what other reasons do the remain campaign want to stay for?

Why I Voted For a Brexit
Post Opinion