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Third Date Ideas?

First Date: Dinner. Second Date: Movie. Third Date: ?
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Following people into the bathroom

Suppose you see someone of the opposite sex you have been trying to talk to for awhile and they haven't made any effort to return your calls or get back to you. Unfortunately when you see them they happen to be headed for...
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My boyfriend is so jealous and it's driving me crazy!!

my boyfriend is constantly checking my phone to make sure I ain't texting any guys. he goes threw my address book to look at all the numbers and if he don't recognize the guys name he asks me who it is. Now most of my...
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Talking is like pulling teeth, what's the deal? Girls please

Right so there's this girl and we've been dating about a month. Pre-dating in the whole flirting stage we would talk a lot. I could wake up and find text's on my phone, or I could text her just about any time and we'd...
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I'm pregnant and my boyfriend doesn't believe me !

So May first me and my boyfriend were in bed together and we fooled around he fingered me and we got very close to having sex but we didn't he had the condom on and everything but I was to scared so we stopped ! I thought...
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Do guys feel pressure to ask a girl that they like out?

Especially shy guys, but guys in general. Do they feel pressure to ask the girl out that they like? If they do does that help give them the courage to go ahead and do it? Are they likely to wait a long time like until the...
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What do girls think about guys who they rejected?

I’m a college student and I’ve read a lot on forums where posters all encouraged me to ask the girl out. I like a girl who’s pretty shy and goes to college with me. I’m planning to ask her out on a date but I’m afraid if...
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How can I make a sexy first impression?

I'm starting at a new school because my old one was rubbish, how can I make a sexy first impression and make evry1 wanna shag me! ;)
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His true feelings?

Do you think the way a guy hugs a girl can tell her his true feelings? I was just wondering. For example a one handed hug...what would that mean. Patting on the back etc.
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Is it a turn off for a girl to visit her boyfriend and find out he has a bunk bed?

Well it's not exactly a bunk bed. You see I am a minimalist, I like to make the most of the small space I have to live in. I am thinking of greatly increasing my bedroom space by buying the tromso from ikea, here's a link...
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PLEASE HELP: EX Girlfriend sending nasty texts to my phone!

I blocked her previously from my phone and now she has a new number and now it's less frequent. she filed for assault against me and I know she's out of her therapy and now she just texts me things like go to hell or to...
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Ho do you know if a guy likes you?

Ho do you know if a guy likes you?
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How can I wear my school uniform and turn guys on ? ? ?

How can I make my school uniform look hot and sexy and turn all my guy mates on
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Do you think tattoos are low class?

If so, do you think all tattoos are equally low class or do you think only certain ones are? Do you have any tattoos?
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Meaning of a guy saying "I like your hair"?

he is a coworker I used to have a crush on him but I don't anymore he saw me and he said hi and he said I like your hair . I recently bought bumpits and 2day was my first time wearing them...i was just curious behind the...
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What does it mean when somebody calls you 'special'?

We were talking about how he always remembers things about me and he said 'its because you're special' what does that mean. We like each other btw.
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I'm flirting with other guys and now feel guilty about my boyfriend?

I've been texting a guy I know in work, and we've been flirting away he knows I have a boyfriend, its quite heavy flirting not lightly, I now feel guilty for doing this behind my boyfriends back. I've done this before...
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What should I do about my crush?

I've liked this one guy for about three months now, and he's just the most amazing person I've ever met. He was the first major crush I've ever had, and I would get sweaty palms, butterflies, pounding heart, etc. Now I'm...
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Why do all my guy friends end up making a move on me?

and then when I do not reciprocate the same feelings they end up cutting me out of there life. I just do not understand why it is so very hard for me to have heterosexual male friends. It seems like other girls don't have...
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Why do you girls always mention the other guys that are hitting on you ..?

When you are talking to your Boyfriend or crush... Is it to get a reaction, to get him to chase, to make him jealous, is it a test , if so how do you pass... l
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My girlfriend talks to her ex everyday - Need serious help

Before you read this I want an honest answer I was hanging out with my girlfriend and I asked her about her ex (2yrs) because it has been bothering me for sometime. I told her that I feel like there's someone out there...
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I don't like to go to bars anymore!

Now that I'm done with college, I feel like I'm SOOOO over the whole bar scene. But every time I meet a new guy , it seems like every weekend there ALWAYS going out and almost expect me to go with them! Personally, I...
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How Do I Know If A Guy Just Thinks I'm Pretty, Or Atually Likes Me??

well...there's this guy at my sk0ol...I have liked him since the first day [[literally]]. I went to the restroom during second period today, and, I passed by him, and he gave me a wolf whistle! lol! anyways...i looked...
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Why doesn't he take me out to dinner or the movies?

Quick version; I don’t want to annoy him by nagging and it’s totally not that big of a deal. Time is far better than money.. I just wish he made me feel like I was worth the effort. So I’ve been dating this guy for...
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Flirting with German men?

Are there any major differences between flirting with German men versus American men? I'm going to Munich soon to visit some friends, one of them is this very cute German that I met a few months ago in the US. Anyone...
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What does "psh" mean in a text message?

What dose psh mean in a text message
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My ex won't even respond to a text.....

My ex won't even respond to a text that is a simple YES or No answer...Or if he is okay? What does this mean? My ex and I were doing great or so I thought I thought we had gone to another level. We were all over each...
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So what's the difference between "curvy" and "a few extra pounds"?

So on some of these dating sites, they have both men and women kind of size themselves up. For the ladies, the gray area I've noticed to be a little misleading is the "curvy" and the "few extra pounds" weight class....
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Bollywood-like song with rap heard on Entourage?

does anyone know what it could be?!...I'm obsessed with it! it starts off with guitar strings and keeps the same harmony all the way through the song, even when there's rap in it.
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He pretends not to see me?

if a guy is flirting with me like eye contact and smiling, looking at me from a far, But when I am around, he is very cautious, pretend like not to see me, but if I don't pay attention to me, he will come and talk to me...
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What's the difference when a girl says a guy is cute versus hot.

To me when I hear cute I think oh she's probably just being nice. Do they have a different meaning cute versus hot?
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How To Not Seem So Innocent

My boyfriend has a lot more experience than me. people call me a flirt and a tease but I really don't know how that's possible because I'm way to shy. I want to seem more flirty and not seem so innocent and shy
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My crush called me 'cute'. What does that mean?

I have a crush on a boy who is kind of my friend also (I mean 'kind of' because it`s not like we talk all the time...we just chit-chat once in a while, and say 'hi' in the hallway..). I've had a crush on him for a while,...
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