My ex girlfriend ghosted me after I sent an accountability letter but added me to her close friends circle on Instagram. Thoughts?

Recap: ex and I broke up in April. We talked every week. It was a healthy relationship. COVID hit and I was working 80+ hrs so I didn’t have time for a relationship. After the break up, it was good break up, I accepted her choice. We still talked and FT every week. It was good. I invited her sister and her to eat to celebrate her sister graduation on July 4th. It went perfect.

A Week later it was her Bday and then she did a 180. She lagged days to respond and then ghosted me. I sent her an accountability letter apologizing for neglecting her when I was working 80+ hrs (not intentionally neglecting her).

She hasn’t responded or tried to reach out but adds me to her close friends list on Instagram. Once, I took a peak but didn’t open it and she reposted it the following day until I saw it.
My ex girlfriend ghosted me after I sent an accountability letter but added me to her close friends circle on Instagram. Thoughts?
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