Ex boyfriend liked my picture during no contact?

We dated for 2 months but then I broke up with him because he was being inconsistent and then he ghosted me and had a lame excuse. I just assumed that he was no longer interested but was too passive aggressive to say so. He ghosted me the weekend before so when he did it again after I explained how I felt, I just broke up wih him because I realized how much of a loser he actually was and he is emotionally immature and doesn’t know how to communicate.

He honestly did move way too fast most of our relationship now that I think about it. I was aware some of the things he said was probably him only love bombing me but I liked the attention tbh and it felt good to feel like that. I started to pick up too many red flags with him. He had BPd so his moods would change drastically. One second he would be telling me he loves me then the next day, he would get annoyed with me or just act distant. He told me he was also depressed but I just ended it like I said because I just don’t have the emotional resilience to deal with that.

I broke up with him one month ago! I deleted everything!!! Pictures, text thread, unfollowed him on all social media and he unfollowed me back so I THOUGHT that would be the end of it. Today, I was looking on Instagram and saw he liked my picture from 2 weeks ago… Wtf. When I broke up with him he was all cold and didn’t seem to really care. I don’t want him back or want closure, I just don’t get what was the purpose of him unfollowing me but now he’s liking my stuff again? Does he want me to reach out or want my attention?
Ex boyfriend liked my picture during no contact?
2 Opinion