I don't know what to do? I can't seem to get over my ex?

I dated someone for 2 years, and it's been about another 2 years since we broke up. The relationship was great, definitely amongst some of the healthiest I'd been in, but the way we broke up was incredibly confusing. It sort of just happened, and admittedly, I was the first to move on from it, rather fast as well. I believe these relationships were rebounds to try to avoid heartbreak. Anyway, my ex of two years and I remained in contact as friends after the relationship ended, and there was one point where feelings re-submerged, and we took a step away from each other. Two months away from one another to be exact. Eventually we came back into contact, and we spent adequate amount of time together again as friends until that time grew fewer again as we seen other friends, and did our own things. We still tried to message at least daily. Surely enough, around February of this year, those feelings re-submerged once more within me. I originally thought it had to do with Valentine's as he was the last I had celebrated it with, but as time went on, I began to realize these feelings were more than just reminiscing. I now feel like I really messed up in letting us break up in the first place. I expressed my feelings for him, and he didn't really tell me if he felt the same or not, just that he wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment. That he didn't mind that I had feelings for him again as it was a fairly common thing to happen. Well, things got worse, and we've separated once more. We aren't blocked or anything, but we also are not in contact. We have unfriended and unfollowed. I initiated this first. It's been 2 months since we spoke and I'm still not over him... I feel like I've done everything I can. Making new friends, spending time with others, dating sites, picking up old and new hobbies, but he always comes to mind, and every new thing in my life, I want to share with him, but can't. I feel so stuck on what to do and if I'll ever move on... What can I do?
I don't know what to do? I can't seem to get over my ex?
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