Should I leave my husband?

We have been dating for a year and married for 7 months. We got married for tax reasons as it was beneficial. We get on very well and we never fight, however, I am finding that I don't feel much for him other than companionship. I hardly miss him, I don't want to have sex with him and overall I am starting to find his company irritating. Recently I hinted to him that I might be feeling like this and he's admitted that he also no longer has any feelings for me. However, he is against breaking up as he thinks that long term our relationship makes sense. He gets sad at the thought of us breaking up and it's made it very difficult for me to officially break things off with him. To complicate things, when we got together he moved countries to live closer to me and he's also recently quit his job and is unemployed. He has about 10k in savings and he can always go back home to his parents but the guilt I feel over ending things is a bit too much. Should I call it quits and deal with the guilt? If so what's the best way about it? Or should I just ride it out (at least for a while)?

Should I leave my husband?
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