Guys, My ex unblocked me, what could this mean?


For some brief context, my ex and I had a short but intense (in a good way) relationship. It was both of our's first relationship that was "serious". Our family and friends met both of us and approved and liked us both, and we had a really good relationship. We were each other's first love, and I was his first kiss and whatnot. We had amazing chemistry and great memories. However, I think that it was moving fast and I started to become the chaser.

Eventually, he broke things off with me and said he wasn't ready for commitment and that he would rather end it now than later so that I wouldn't feel more pain later. I genuinely think he meant what he said he even told me to become the girl he couldn't have a chance with in the future and to make him regret his decision.

To get to my point now, I basically kept chasing him because I had trouble letting go of him and the relationship. This eventually caused him to put a stop to it and say that there was unhealthy tension between the both of us and that I deserve so much better than what he could give me. He then said to me "please don't reach out, just let go." because it would make it worse for me. He then thanked me for everything and blocked me on every platform of social media that we had each other on.

After like 2 weeks, I noticed he unblocked me on his spam account only, then recently (like 4-5 days ago) I noticed he unblocked me on his main account and I also noticed he had a post on his account that he never posted before. He hasn't reached out or followed my page but I just want to know from a guy's perspective what could this mean. I don't see the point in unblocking me if I don't really post to Instagram and my page is private now too so I don't understand why lol

1 y
Just wanted to say that I wrote this when I was missing him terribly- now I'm back to normal lol. But I definitely was curious about the fact that he unblocked me out of nowhere 😂
Guys, My ex unblocked me, what could this mean?
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