My ex seen me on a dating site he was on and deleted his profile and his Instagram after the break up, why?


My ex broke up with me after our first small fight. He broke up with me through a voice memo and came to get his things. No talking. I was okay until I seen him on a dating site 4 days later and i was just devastated. I reached out and asked why was he able to walk away so easily. Why did he want to leave. He had all these excuses as to why, all very unrealistic. He didn’t want to stay in a relationship but he didn’t want to lose me as a friend and I told him that is not possible bc of how he was treating me before and during the breakup. He was saying so much hurtful things and I kept ranting to get him to understand I finally cracked and started crying asking him to not leave like that and say goodbye the right way and he hung up and blocked me. I called him the next day on my other phone and he blocked that one too after I spoke to him for 10 min.
I looked so dumb and desperate. I stopped calling and he I later seen he deleted his social media.

weeks went by and I decided to get back on a dating site. I was indecisive so I’d make it and deactivate it probably 3 times bc I was unsure if I should try the site again. I’d probably have it up for like 10 min max. The last time I put it up for a few hours. Every time I went on there, he was on there. I never spoke or matched w him. The time I was on there for a few hours, he was there then he was gone. I know bc my friend made a profile and didn’t see him. He seemed to delete that too after seeing me.

It’s been over a month since the break up. I’m still hurt about it but I wonder why is he trying so hard to stay away from me where he is deleting everything. I don’t bother him

My ex seen me on a dating site he was on and deleted his profile and his Instagram after the break up, why?
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