Matched with a guy I used to date on a dating app, so I called him. Based on our phone conversation, does he seem interested again?

We never were in a relationship and he is not an ex of mine. We had dated, ended once for a month and then reconnected before ending again in the middle of April because of outside factors. we’ve always had good chemistry and no issues, it was based solely on this outside factor/personal issue.
A couple months passed and we matched on a dating site. I called him that night just to see how he was doing and clear the air (we did end with me telling him off/an argument) so I wanted to just say we’re good. He then said we have this back and forth thing going on, I don't know... trailed off and then followed by i wouldn’t be opposed to meeting again if you are, and asked to see me the next day. I suggested a couple days later and he said sure. He’s like ok yeah we can talk when you get here and see how things go and take it from there. What did he mean by this? Should I be getting my hopes up or no?
Matched with a guy I used to date on a dating app, so I called him. Based on our phone conversation, does he seem interested again?
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