How do YOU know when you’re OVER someone?

I’m referring to someone you liked, dated, etc? Like whats your PERSONAL confirmation that you are just not into them anymore?
I just get this nauseated feeling. An extreme disgust when I think about their persona/mindset/actions and how silly I was for not realizing sooner that I made the wrong choice in liking them. Oddly enough, it doesn't often change my opinion of how I “physically” view them. They might’ve been a bastard but they can be remembered as a hot bastard. Ahh, good times, good times 🤣 I mean you can regret playing a sport but still shine the old trophy you scored once in a while #FeelFreeToList

How do YOU know when you’re OVER someone?
How do YOU know when you’re OVER someone?
1 y
By the way, I’m not referring to when the relationship is steady sinking. Im referring to when you have broken up or are no longer crushing on them. Like what solidifies it for you? And thanks to most of you for the answers thus far
1 y
Im asking how YOU know you are over them after you’ve been in a situation that resulted in no longer being into someone. There is no one that I’m trying to get over atm lmao so please stop trying to give advice. Besides, you already know how I get down 🤣 On to the next best thing ➡️
How do YOU know when you’re OVER someone?
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