What do you think is worse during a breakup or a date stops seeing you: Being ghosted or them telling you straight up that its over?


I don't know about you but i'd rather hear from their own mouth that they are no longer interested rather than them ghosting me. at least in the former i know for sure even if it still hurts.

When they ghost i still don't know for sure that its over. there's no exclamation point at the end of the sentence... so im left wondering 'is it over or not.' I don't tolerate ghosting anymore but even when it still happens it still hurts me more in the long run than if they simply told me it was over.

Well maybe you feel differently than i do. what do you think?

What do you think is worse during a breakup or a date stops seeing you: Being ghosted or them telling you straight up that its over?
Yes Ghosting me feels worse than them telling me its over
No them telling me its over hurts more
They both hurt about the same for me
It depends (say how)
I just wanna see results
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What do you think is worse during a breakup or a date stops seeing you: Being ghosted or them telling you straight up that its over?
22 Opinion