Boyfriend and I had a fight, but he still hasn't decided what he "wants" - input?

We had a fight a week ago and had not spoken ever since. He had last told me he wanted space and needed to think things over. I've respected that.

He called me, a week later, wanting to know how I am and wanting to know how life had been. He updated me on his life as well and seems he got bitten by karma a bit because his life had been a bit hectic. He was nice with things. We didn't have any issues. No raised voices, just normal conversation. He just didn't mention anything about what happened and never said he wanted us to break up... or he wanted to stay together.

He told me he had not made any decisions regarding US though. So he is still undecided on what he wants, which is a little disappointing. Like I get it, but how does it take this long?

Should I give up or still keep giving him a chance to work it out? I love him, but this is a little annoying.

Boyfriend and I had a fight, but he still hasn't decided what he "wants" - input?
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