Does my ex want to get back together?

Me and my ex broke up two weeks ago. We were living together we had a bad fight and he packed and left we had a few hard times in the relationship but nothing communication didn’t fix. The day before he left he was telling his bestfriend how much he loves me and how happy he is. He has stood his ground on not wanting to be back together and this not being what he wants anymore. Expect last week we had a two hour talk face to face ( one week post break up) it ended with him saying we will talk more tomorrow. He slept over hooked up next day said it didn’t change anything. He said it was wrong to do knowing how I feel. I him to get the last of his things never got them or sent someone. I reached out and asked if he wanted to grab his things and maybe have a drink he agreed. Does this mean anything?

Does my ex want to get back together?
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