Top 5 Contemporary Dating Myths

Time to separate fact, from outright BS. Here are the most common dating myths.

#1 Popular dating sites/apps actually work.

THEY DON'T! It's that simple. Criagslist, POF, Tinder, Benaughty, etc. All they do is use forged profiles, empty promises, and commercials to take a bite of the wallets men who know nothing about women. Women don't use online dating sites, because they don't have to. Online dating is a last ditch effort, and women will never have the slightest difficulty in the dating world. And the only girls on their who aren't some computer-generated spambot fishing for CC numbers, are there to get attention to improve their self esteem. The chances of you actually getting to meet one of these women are so slim, you are more likely to be struck by a meteorite while filling in your profile than you do actually getting laid.

Top 5 Contemporary Dating Myths

#2 Normal women are honest & economical, and prostitutes, even high-class escorts, are expensive.

RIDICULOUS! Every independent study has revealed that women who want relationships, four times out of five, are only pretending that they like the man they're dinning with so he can become her full time free chauffeur and ATM machine, and moment he cannot perform those duties, she will dump him and move onto the next guy who can. But hookers will give you set price, usually $100usd[$130aud] for 20 minutes of anything you like, provided you shower, wear a condom and use listerine all provided. Granted, normal women are nothing like hookers though,...and that's too bad.

#3 Wealthy women are happy to provide.

BULL...SHIT. It has always been the man's duty to provide absolutely everything from the first date to the last day of marriage, and since the invention of alimony: beyond. You will see the Washington Monument replaced with giant vagina statue before you see women contributing.

Top 5 Contemporary Dating Myths

#4 Women Enjoy Casual Sex, and want first date fun.

They don't. They use the fact that they can get pregnant and have to raise a child as an excuse to say no to it because they simply hate men. If women actually had a sexual appetite, we would not have to provide [their word for pay] for their attention, then we gotta pay for their dinners, and then all their bills. It's gotten to he point where, like I said in #2, hookers are dirt cheap by comparison.

#5 Men are only after sex.

We all aspire to have a wife and children sometime in our lives, unless we have no soul. Enough said.

Top 5 Contemporary Dating Myths
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