Dating Is Not Unfair To Anyone

Dating Is Not Unfair To Anyone

So, several days ago I saw a question that asked if dating is fair or not. I see many people complaining that dating is unfair to them, to males, to females, and/or to whoever. I also see all this complaining that it's not fair that the opposite gender prefers this and that. It's basically stemming from not being able to get what they want. It seems to me that they want to put the blame on something else when. But in reality, the problem lies within them.

If you're not attracting quality mates, then you're not quality yourself. It doesn't matter what your personality is like. Inner beauty is relatively meaningless when it comes to the dating game because looks and social status weigh a lot more. Don't listen to those lies that tell you "inner beauty" will get you what you want. It won't.

Dating Is Not Unfair To Anyone

Nope, dating is not unfair to anyone. Leagues exist whether you like it or not, so that means you pretty much get what you give. If you think that you're not getting what you want, then it's either because you are not putting yourself out there enough or your standards are too unrealistic for a person of your league.

For example, if you're ugly and you expect a hot person to date you, then you will most likely think that dating is unfair. But the cold truth is that it's not fair to them if they date a person like you and you're being unfair to yourself when you continue to hold those unattainable standards. Ultimately, you are the one who's being unfair because you wouldn't even date a person like yourself. You need to remember that you don't matter and you're not entitled to anything. You didn't even have to exist in the first place.

It's okay to have high standards if you would meet the high standards of the person you want, and many gaggers agree with that statement in this question (your word against yours if you agreed here). This is how it works in reality 95% of the time: Successful, beautiful people usually end up with successful, beautiful people. Successful, ugly people usually end up with successful, ugly people. Poor, average people usually end up with poor, average people. Or a combination that equals it out. And so on and so forth.

Dating Is Not Unfair To Anyone

Sincerely, the 10 out of 10 guy you all just love and miss. Good luck.

Dating Is Not Unfair To Anyone
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