Age Differences In Relationships DO NOT MATTER, People


This shouldn't take too long.

This Take was inspired by a question asked today by a girl which asked if an age gap of 51 (male) to 19 (female) was too much and was "creepy." And some people nodded in the affirmative and others said no, it wasn't creepy.

Age Differences In Relationships DO NOT MATTER, People

Problem 1:

Don't label other peoples' relationships creepy. In fact, don't label anyone "creepy" who isn't legitimately being a jackass and a physical stalker. Derp "They liked some of my old Facebook photos ewwww!" uh don't fucking have old Facebook pics then if you don't want people to actually look at them.

Don't just throw that label around because you think it's funny or it makes you feel empowered somehow to insult someone else-- "creepy" is a label that is often erroneously applied to males by females, and it's mean and shitty. It is likewise just as mean and shitty for males to call girls bitches or cunts who... aren't acting like bitches or cunts. Throwing negative labels around in situations where you shouldn't just makes YOU the asshole, not them. So stop.

Problem 2:

Some people seem to believe that only people of "the same age," whatever the hell that even means, should be engaged romantically/sexually/physically with each other. But as I just said... what does that actually mean? Attention anyone who feels that way, male or female-- you do realize, I hope, that what you're saying technically means you feel that people (including yourself) should only be able to date/fuck/be romantic with people who were born the same year, right? Or even the same day? Because "the same age" is pretty clear: "Same" means "equal." Synonymous. Congruent to. 15=15. 25=25. 25 does not equal 24 does it? So anyone who thinks that people should only be physically attracted to people of "the same age" means you can't be attracted to or interested in anyone who isn't your age, like you said-- you're eighteen, let's imagine? Or thirty, or something? Cool, if you're attracted to anyone who is even a day over or under eighteen or thirty, respectively, then you're a hypocrite. And once you're a hypocrite, your opinion is worthless and stupid. You lose.

Age Differences In Relationships DO NOT MATTER, People

"Oh, well I didn't mean like literally the same age when I said people of the same age should only be allowed to date. I mean like, generally the same age."

Ohhhhhhh.... I see, how interesting. So what you mean is, "same age" is subjective? As is attraction?

Maybe you should have said that. Since it's, you know, the truth.

Look, this is very, very simple. The parties involved in the attraction or sexual relationship or whatever: Do they like each other? Are they good to each other?

Are they attracted to each other? Do they like having sex with each other? Yes? Okay then. So why do you care? Is it your business? If you for some weird reason want to pigeonhole yourself into set parameters and say "I won't date anyone who is more than five years older than me!" even though let's say the next day you meet a person who you're really attracted to and is cool, and then it turns out they're five years and ONE DAY older than you, then hey, you do what you want in your life and turn them down. But most people aren't like that, SO basically... chill.

To answer the girl's question who asked it, no sis, it's not creepy or weird. As long as the legal age of consent is met, which varies place to place sometimes, then it's your body and your decision what to do with it and who to have sex with or cuddle with or whatever, as long as you're not hurting someone else. It's not weird for an older guy to be attracted to a younger girl-- it's actually incredibly normal and has been happening since the dawn of civilization probably. It's also normal for younger guys to sometimes be attracted to older chicks. There's nothing wrong with it, and thinking something is wrong with it is not only often hypocritical, but illogical and irrational.

Sometimes people claim that the older party is trying to "take advantage" of the younger party.... uh 1) Where is your proof of that, and 2) Why are you assuming that everyone's physical age automatically correlates with having the exact same emotional security that they "should have" (whatever that means) at that time? What if the older party is just young at heart? Or the younger party a bit older at heart? That shit happens all the time, people. And those of you who aren't cool with it can hopefully rethink your position, since it doesn't actually make any sense.

Age Differences In Relationships DO NOT MATTER, People

Thanks for reading.

Age Differences In Relationships DO NOT MATTER, People
59 Opinion