6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man


Dr. Spencer Reid
Dr. Spencer Reid

Hey there it’s Mel,

Recently, I was nominated by @LegateLanius who challenged me to write a MyTake on #whatIfindattractivechallenge , a challenge created by @AngelicSin

Shall we begin?

I can make this MyTake short and my life easier by saying everything about Dr. Spencer Reid is what I find attractive in a man. But, I feel that is too vague. Therefore I will dissect what I find attractive in a man in six easy points.

Side note: Dr. Spencer Reid is the type of man I see myself marrying to: the nerdy type.

1. Intelligence

Don’t worry Reid, I’ve read 7 books in one week before.
Don’t worry Reid, I’ve read 7 books in one week before.
Super hot sexy guy with glasses
Super hot sexy guy with glasses

Nothing gets me drooling more over a man than his intelligence and ability to talk about everything. I actually want him to be a walking Wikipedia. I’m not even kidding right now, when a guy can challenge me intellectually, I literally get wet. I find myself attracted to a man with glasses, sitting in a library and reading a book rather than a typical handsome guy you see on mainstream media.

2. Nose 👃

6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man

Yes, you read it correctly, I’m attracted to noses. That’s actually the first thing I see when I check out a guy. I look at the shape of his nose and there are types of noses I am more attracted to than others (such as a straight, pointy nose).

3. Height

He’s 6’1
He’s 6’1
He is 6’0 and she is 5’1
He is 6’0 and she is 5’1

Something about a man being super tall that calls to me. I love when a man is 6 ft or taller so that he can tower over my mere 5’1ft height. Moreover, I want to give my future kids a fighting chance to be average height.

4. Family-oriented/great with kids

6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man
6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man

Coming from a Latino community, where family always comes first, I often find it attractive if a guy is very family oriented and cares for his family and friends. It tells me a lot about his character based on his relationship with his family and how he treats them. Additionally, maybe it’s my hormones but when I see a man is great with kids and can be the right amount of childish, I find that EXTREMELY attractive. It tells me that he will be great with our future kids.

5. Happiness

6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man
6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man

There’s nothing more attractive and precious in this world than when a man smiles and is happy. Simple as that. Happiness is intoxicating for me and ultimately draws me to the person.

6. Must be a dancer or willing to learn to dance

6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man
6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man

I’m a dancer and enjoy dancing whenever I get the chance to do so. Thus, it’s only natural that I find a man who can dance (or is willing to dance) attractive. If you are sitting down in a dark corner, brooding, that’s a complete turn off for me.

Anyway, I challenge:









And that is it for now. Thank you for reading and see you next time


6 (Weird?) Things I Find Attractive In a Man
34 Opinion