My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs


Hey to all my little freaks, babybats, and Mansonites. Um so I guess I got like nominated or whatever for the #MyBiggestTurnOffsChallenge by @AbdKilani . I think the challenge was like started by @AngelicSin , but I don't really know. Anyway, let's just get to it before we all rot away, huh?

1. Isn't Accepting of My Style/Other Tastes

My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs

I'm not your project or your Barbie doll. You can't change me into what you like. NEVER tell me "You'd look better if you ______.", or something like that. I fucking get that all the time, and it drives me insane. Like, did I ASK for your input?! NO! No I did not, bitch. If you don't want me as I am, you don't get me at all.

2. Is A Tanned White Guy

My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs

You're ruining your skin and making both yourself less attractive and me vomit. No fucking thank you.

3. Wears Colors Besides Black

My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs

Yes, I am aware that black is technically a shade, smart asses. Anyways, black clothing is the best clothing.

4. Thinks Guys Wearing Eyeliner Is "Gay"

My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs

Like, really?! So guys can't rock some eyeliner or black lipstick? You're wrong. And yes, natural guys are hot too, but I want my future husband to wear makeup at least sometimes.

5. Has Abs/Muscles

My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs

I'm sorry, but it's just trying to hard to be masculine and ending up ugly. Abs are a sure way to make my pussy drier than my sense of humor.


~ Mrs Manson

My 5 Biggest Turn-Offs
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