10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man


I wasn't originally going to join in on the #WhatIFindAttractiveChallenge but, I was nominated by @desidoll and further encouraged by @ericclayton to do this so, here it is!

There's a lot I look for that I find attractive in a potential partner from a physical standpoint, personality wise, and shared interests/values so it was difficult to narrow down my list! Therefore, I thought I would include a few from each of these categories. :)

1. Strong hands and arms.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

I LOVE men with strong hands and arms. I find it so attractive and it's one of the first things I notice on a man.

2. Dark hair with light eyes.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

This isn't a deal breaker or anything. In fact, I've never dated a man with dark hair and light eyes, all of my exes were the opposite (either dark hair and eyes or light hair and eyes)! However, when I see a man with this combination, it instantly captures my attention. I just think the contrast is beautiful.

3. Casual style.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

I'm attracted to men who dress casually. Jeans and a plain T-shirt is a classic that can't be beat.

4. Works a blue-collar job.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

There's just something about a man who works with his hands that gets me going. I love it. I think it just shows that he's not afraid to get dirty, not afraid to work in potentially dangerous environments, and has a good work ethic. I've met some men who seemed ashamed of working a manual labor job, as if it wasn't "good enough" for girls and I've told them that it's NOTHING to be ashamed of and actually makes them more attractive in my eyes.

5. Has an interest in history.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

As a history lover, I'm super into men who also love history. I enjoy reading about history any chance I can, especially the Civil War era up to the early 20th century. I find it fascinating and love when a guy shares my interest in it. It just means that we'll have a lot to talk about and he probably won't be annoyed or bored when I want to go to museums and visit historical sites. :)

6. Values his family.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

This one is pretty important to me, I find it so attractive when a man cares about his family and wants to spend time with them. I'm extremely family-oriented myself so it's definitely something I look for in a partner as well.

7. Good with kids.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

I want kids someday so seeing a man who is good with kids is so attractive to me.

8. Has a beard.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

Yes, it's true, I love facial hair on men. *shrugs*

9. Is not a "yes man"

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

I like a man who knows who he is, what he likes, and doesn't follow the crowd. Someone who can make up his own mind about what he thinks even if it goes against his friends, co-workers, superiors, or even me is attractive. I don't want someone who agrees with me all the time, that would be boring.

Note: I don't mean someone who disagrees with everyone just for the sake of disagreeing. But someone who knows their opinions, where they stand on certain things, and can make up their own mind in specific situations.

10. He listens.

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man

I know, this one is super cliché but it's true! A man who shows an interest in me, asks questions about me, and actually listens to my responses is attractive. Similarly, I would care about getting to know him and listening to him talk as well. It should go both ways.

Thanks, @desidoll for nominating me! I'm not sure who to nominate so anyone who wants to do it, consider yourself nominated. :P

I also want to give a shoutout to @AngelicSin. Great job on creating this challenge for the GAG Community! I'm enjoying reading everyone's myTakes on it. :)

10 Top Traits I Look For in a Man
40 Opinion