Please help guys let me know what I should do?

Please help guys let me know what I should do?

Ok so I have been dating this guy I met at a previous job for almost 3 years now. Everything has been going perfect so far. Two months into the relationship we were inseparable. I slept at his moms house with him every. single. day. Up until recently when he opened up to me about how he was feeling. He said that he needed some space. So I gave him space but I felt like I didn’t give him the space he needed because I would sometimes just invite myself over to his house. Then after that I would look on his phone and sees that he was messaging a girl from his job (he says she’s just a friend and I believe him). He was basically saying all these things to her that he hadn’t said to me in a long time like asking about her day how she’s feeling and always inviting her to the gym with him. I’m not mad that he is doing that because I trust him but what got to me was that he’s not doing that to ME like he used to. So I confronted him and he said he’s just trying to spend time with friends and give us some space. I asked him why doesn’t he says those things to me and he says because we are together everyday so I said ok fine and assumed everything will be ok. So fast forward to now he tells me he is so confused right now as to whether or not we should work things out he said because he doesn’t want this that’s been going on to happen again because it hurts. So I said as long as we both put forth effort and give each other the necessary space and have outside lives everything should be ok but we BOTH have to try. And he said he doesn’t know. So i said ill give it time it’s been a couple days since we had that convo so today I ask him about it he says that he doesn’t know and he doesn’t want to get into the conversation about it because it always ends bad like with me crying. He also says the spark is fading away and the sex is basically boring. So what can i do to help? Also am I giving him enough time to get himself together? I just miss the old us so much

Please help guys let me know what I should do?
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