For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness


Hi everyone,

Usually I'm happy enough just posting my usual short bullshit answers on here, but lately I've seen quite a few lonely guys who're getting frustrated in the dating scene.

Guy keeps getting rejected by girls making him scared to try again or hate girls in general...A guy sees dating as pointless because he's short....A guy where the loneliness is starting to really get to him, etc.

So I thought I'd give you a long bullshit answer on here for a change. And I mean LONG. This will be mainly directed towards the guys.

The Game

For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness

We were each born with different looks. Imagine looking at poker players. They all are given their cards. Now imagine a poker player look at his cards and go


and he starts throwing a tantrum like a kid in a supermarket. Nah, they don't do that, they keep their Poker Face up and think...How can I win this? How can I win This Game, if you will?

Dating's no different. We all got to like sit down and think "How can I win this game?" Just like they're given their hand of cards, we are given our looks. And you can do little things to enhance that look.

Be your own Masterpiece

For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness

- Working on your body, getting a new haircut, changing your style of clothing, keeping that facial hair in check, ...etc

As much as we want someone to take us for who we are, it doesn't always work like that. Love at first sight, I don't really believe in it. To me it's more like lust at first sight. And looking good plays a big part in that.

You know, I could like go through life without knowing what a shower is, not workout at all, eat like a pig, ... Would I be able to find someone? I don't know, probably not, but if I want to increase my chances of finding someone I can do these little things (working out, changing clothing, healthy diet, ...) to better my chances in finding a partner.

For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness

You. Need. To. Perfect. Yourself. In every way possible.

If you haven't done this, don't go expecting to get the most beautiful girl out there.

Whenever I see the question "Is she out of his league?" or something like that. I say no, because I believe that if you become the most perfect version of yourself, you can go get that person. You are your own masterpiece.

If someone's been less fortunate with the looks given to them, they can still be sexy. A short guy can still be really sexy. Is it his hairstyle, how he dresses, how he carries himself (a big dick attitude, confident but modest), ... or a combination of these things which is usually this is the case.

We need to work on ourselves first. On our own masterpiece.

Change that Mindset

For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness

For the women insulting you or laughing at you for even trying. They're pieces of shit, and they will get their karma in due time. Karma is real. All 'pieces of shit' in my life, good/bad looking, they have all paid :)

If you start off your day right, usually the rest of the day goes great too. If you keep winning, you usually keep winning (no gambling though). Positive energy breeds positive energy. It feeds itself.

But the people who feed themselves with negative energy, will go deeper and deeper into that negativity, unless you change that mindset. What do you do if an awful song is playing on the radio? You change station. Don't like the voice in your head speaking to you? Change it.

People can sense that energy, that something's off.

There are people who go "You've been single? How? You look amazing!" or whatever. It's like when I would see a good looking guy, walk up and as soon as he starts talking, I could be like "something's off"

You might not be ugly, it might just be your mindset. Ever saw a person who wasn't in your opinion good looking, but they seemed so confident? They have that Big Dick Attitude I talked about earlier. You've seen guys with a 'instagram model girlfriend' and you're like "how do they do that?" Well....It's their mindset.

How bad do you want it?

We have to set our minds to what we do. 100 %. Many people are not succesful because they do not give their 100 % at whatever it is they want to do.

For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness

When you're working on yourself, you have to be (again) your own fucking masterpiece.

Work on yourself HARDER THAN ANYTHING ELSE you work on in life. This will NOT be easy...IF BEING AT YOUR BEST WAS EASY....EVERYONE WOULD BE. You really need to sit down and plan out how to be the ultimate version of yourself. Work. On. Yourself.

DO NOT GIVE UP. Success comes to those who keep on going. Look at it as if it was a marathon. The people who don't finish that marathon, are the people who gave up, you have to be consistent. YOU CAN NOT GIVE UP.

It's not going to be easy, but aren't you going to feel good as a person, as a human being, as a MAN, deep down inside...That YOU had the perseverance to create the Ultimate You Masterpiece and achieved everything you wanted to in life..WELL?

okay then <3 <3 <3 :*


For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness
For Men Unsuccessful in Dating - Frustration & Bitterness
87 Opinion