Five QUESTIONS you should ask on your FIRST DATE... but probably won't!

Five QUESTIONS you should ask on your FIRST DATE... but probably wont!

A FIRST DATE is important. You're both probably a little nervous, maybe anxious is a better word, and it's a time to get to know each other. The goal, of course, is to see if a second date, or more, is possible. You're going to talk, exchange compliments, and probe each other.

Here are FIVE QUESTIONS that you should ask your date on the First Date ... but you probably won't.

1. How much money do you make?

Look, there's no point dating someone who has no money. You don't want to support them. Similarly, if they make too much money, they will try to control you economically.

2. Do you want to have kids? How Many?

Alright, that's two questions ... but they're important. If you want to have a family, it's important that your date wants that too. And the opposite is also true. If you don't want kids but they do, well that's going to be difficult to deal with.

3. Did you go to college? What did you study?

Ok, it's more than one question, but again, they're important. If one of you is a high school grad and the other has a Masters Degree in Quantum Physics, or if one has a Degree in Foreign Languages and the other has an advanced Engineering Degree, you may not have too much in common. The best relationship might be when you both enjoy the same topics and have the same level of intelligence. And let's be honest, you can't just ask "How intelligent are you?"

4. Where do you want to live?

If one of you wants to stay in your hometown and the other wants to move to another country, that might be a problem. Could you deal with that? Even something simple like one of you wants to live in the city while the other wants to live in that city's suburbs ... that could be an issue.

5. How often do you want sex?

On a first date, you're not suggesting you get a hotel room for the night, but both of you do realize that, if a relationship develops, you're going to get intimate at sometime. Hopefully, you both have similar thoughts about sex but if they're very different, that might be a red flag.

Best of luck on your next first date.

Five QUESTIONS you should ask on your FIRST DATE... but probably won't!
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