The plague that is "online dating" and why you would be better off joining a community club or organization than wasting time/money on such

The plague that is online dating and why you would be better off joining a community club or organization than wasting time/money on such

So my cousin and I are both on EHarmony & Match. We did this as a test given how both sites promote themselves as places where you can easily find a partner, love, etc.

We're both white women, European ancestry


So my profile is legit. It has photos of me (and I am neither obese nor unattractive, many people say I am attractive & fit) in a variety of locations and doing a variety of things.

My cousin's profile uses a friend's photos. Photos are professionally taken because the friend happens to be a model & obviously poised. In ways, photos don't look quite natural.

Neither profile has photos that are sexually revealing, do not indicate someone who is into parties / been drunk (indicate cheap/easy), etc. All photos are respectably presented.

Everything else - for an example body shape, height, etc. - is nearly identical to the other.


Statistically, the cousin's profile with the model photos gets far more responses. I mean at a ratio of 5 to 10 "likes/messages" for every 1 man that "likes/messages" my profile.

An example yesterday she cleared her likes at 53 over 2 days versus 19 for me over 2 days.


Out of those men who like or message her 80% of them are not compatible at first glance.

She is not interested if a guy has kids, doesn't want to have kids, & doesn't have a decent education or career on her profile. Vast majority based their profiles fall into this category.


The dozen or so men who have messaged her & she has interacted with very often quickly weed themselves out due to their conduct indicating they are simply after sexual relations.

Take one guy who asked if she preferred things slow or "jump right into it" ... she responded slow, he's saying that he has to take her to lunch Saturday (he messaged this on Friday).

Or full of themselves.
Some educated / claimed business owners who contacted my cousin had overinflated self-worth - the sort of arrogant asshole a woman would tolerate/marry due to their wallet size... not for their brains or personality... and unsurprisingly every one of them was divorced


Maybe 2-5% of the men who she has conversed with on Match or EHarmony have the potential to be more than a one-night stand or a "make do with, no other choice" partner.



On the reverse, I predominantly get people who have more potential.

Usually educated, have decent jobs, usually haven't been married nor have children. This is despite the fact, I do not have any particulars written on my profile of what don't want.

Typically if they are after sexual relations it is not so obvious as with the cousin's profile.


Statistically, I would say 5-15% of the men communicated on my profile are better than one-night stands or a "make do with, no other choice" partner.





An interesting observation is my cousin's profile was overwhelmingly white while mine was predominantly Indian or Middle Eastern. I have no problem with such having lived in India & Dubai but obviously a cultural aspect. White North Americans are more prone for one-night stands and pointless relationships (e.g. friends with benefits, etc.) than other cultures.

The plague that is "online dating" and why you would be better off joining a community club or organization than wasting time/money on such
1 Opinion