
Guys, Stop Ruining Your Chances with Women With Your Mindset


Too many men have adopted a negative mindset when it comes to meeting and attracting women. It’s self-deprecating, damaging and sabotaging.

(I will never meet a woman, I will never have a long-lasting relationship, I am not good, attractive or tall enough).

The more you repeat this to yourself the more it’s going to get ingrained into your subconscious and become your belief system.

Once this happens your brain will automatically protect you from rejection.

Negative ThoughtsSubconsciousBehaviours that will repel women as a defence mechanism

So, to change your habits, behaviours and thoughts you need to change the negative way you think and view yourself. Be aware of how you think when you’re out. If you focus on improving yourself, how will you not see results?

It’s like consistently going to the gym and not seeing any changes in your body. Yes, it may take time, and be a long-term change, but it’s inevitable that it will happen.

Guys, Stop Ruining Your Chances with Women With Your Mindset
Guys, Stop Ruining Your Chances with Women With Your Mindset
58 Opinion