Want to ask a girl out but don't have my driver's license yet?

So there's this kinda cute girl in one of my classes that I'm 95% sure that she likes me. I want to go up to her and ask for her number, but I don't have my license yet (just a permit). I know its fairly late to be getting my license now (I'm 18) and I have a lot of hours but it will still be months before I can take my driving exam, and the class ends in December. I probably should go up and talk to her but I dont know what we would do If we couldn't go on dates. I sure as hell would never have my Mom or Dad drive me to a date, but neither do I want to pass up the chance of having a girlfriend. I haven't really had a real girlfriend so far, and I get pretty lonely sometimes. Is there anything I can do or should I just wait for someone else to come along when I have my drivers license in the future?
Want to ask a girl out but don't have my driver's license yet?
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