What does it mean when a man says you are too intense?

There was a guy who ghosted me back in October. We had been going on dates and we became intimate. Shortly after that he stopped responding to me so I stopped reaching out and ended up deleting his number a month later. I bumped into him and his friends at a bar this weekend and we danced and I ended up going back to his place with him and his roommate. We didn't hook up but he said the last time he saw me I go too intense... All I did was tell him I was interested and liked him. And I told him that I would appreciate if he reached out to me the next day so I wouldn't feel insecure. That was all really. I thought I was being open and honest. He did reach out to me the next day but then never talked to me again until this weekend. He is such a nice guy and he clearly is into me. Even this weekend he was showing all the signs of liking me (not for sex he didn't want to have sex) I just mean liking me as a person. I don't know what to think?
What does it mean when a man says you are too intense?
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