Why is he being so nice to me on our dates?

I'm dating this guy. The first time we went out together I wanted to talk with him about work and he turned it into a date which lasted 5 hours.

Since then we have been meeting up every few weeks. On our dates he always opens every door for me and pays for everything even when I insist that I pay half. He asks me questions about my interests and my life and remembers everything I said on the next date. He stares and smiles a lot at me for no reason during our dates and he always wants to prolong our dates. If we have coffee he asks to go on a walk afterwards or if I want to go for dinner. We end up spending 5 hours together every date

He hugs me at the beginning and end of each date and teases me a lot in a playful way.

I was on a date with him the other day and we were sitting next to each other on the bus and I was talking to him and I noticed that he was staring at my face and smiling for no reason and I felt a bit awkward

I feel like because he insists on paying for everything, that he wants something from me in return eventually, like sex

why is he being so nice to me on our dates?
Why is he being so nice to me on our dates?
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