Boyfriend wants me to cut my hair really short?

Hello! :) So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years and recently he has been expressing an interest in short hair on women. My hair is really long and reaches my waist so I'm not sure how I feel about his preference. My hair has kind of become a security blanket lol and makes me feel really safe so I don't know how I would feel having really short hair. Whenever we're together he runs his hands through it and tells me how much better I would look with short hair so I know it's something he has been picturing and wants me to do. I obviously want to make him happy and to be attractive to him but that's still a very big decision to make. I finally agreed to go a little shorter because I felt a bit pressured and he was super happy with it and so was I because it was only 3 inches shorter than what I'm used to. He keeps encouraging me to go shorter and I just dont know if I should go through with it. We're talking boy short here and I'm trying to wrap my head around it but I really can't see myself looking like that lol. What do you think I should do? Thanks y'all :)
Boyfriend wants me to cut my hair really short?
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