I cheated, no one knows but myself, I didn't plan to cheat or even knew I wanted to cheat but it happened... what do I do?

So I have a boyfriend of 3 years we're late 20s he won't put a ring on it even though I beg says he wants to be financially stable. He hasn't been a great boyfriend the past year almost. The past 2 months have been rocky and he knows I am not happy and I am debating calling it quits but he is happy and wants it to work. We start taking time a part not intentionally really but it just happens naturally... he starts to hardly even call me. All the sudden a guy from my past pops up and wants to hang out my boyfriend doesn't care if I hang out with guy friends as long as it's just friend. I think the opposite I think it's never ok. But at this point I am mad he doesn't care I am mad at the relationship I feel held back and I want to go out. My friend thinks me and my boyfriend are on break bc when we hung out the guy never called didn't even know or care where I was. In my mind it did feel like a break... I had fun it was harmless I was like that's the most fun I have had In a long time. He is very different from my boyfriend. A few days pass he wants to hang again I think why not, my boyfriend didn't even notice and my friend is leaving the state in 2 days so I won't see him again. This time it's different I dressed up and wanted to have fun my boyfriend never notices me much bc I am like old to him seen it before etc. so I dress my best... my friend loses it and goes nuts like compliments me like crazy it's very attracted to me and can't keep his hands off me. The moment arrives he pressures me so much l cave I am an adrenaline junkie and I go for it. After I am like what the heck, the friend leaves and won't even respond to me says he has a lot going on in his life. I am ashamed, humiliated, and I finally see my boyfriend and he can tell I am not ok. He says maybe we need to break to see where ur head is. I said let's think about it. I try to tell him I cheated but he makes it very clear that if I ever cheated he would basically destroy my life. So the guy is gone, my boyfriend doesn't know the guy doesn't know.
I cheated, no one knows but myself, I didn't plan to cheat or even knew I wanted to cheat but it happened... what do I do?
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