How to deal with a boring guy?

I met this guy online. We've been texting each other now for a month. He has traits every woman would desire in a man. Sex is the least of his priority rarely ever talked about it. I love him dearly but there's one thing that bothers me, and that is he doesn't talk much. If he does, then it's only to express his love for me. I'm the one who initiates other topics and he would reply in one word answer. Now I ran out of ideas. I pretend to be busy and reply late to him. What makes it worse is that when I don't talk much he'd point it out. We'll be having our first date soon. Imagine how that will go, I guess we'll just be staring at each other lol

P. S I already told him that he seems not fond of small talk he replied that he likes any talk with me.
How to deal with a boring guy?
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