Why would a guy choose a "bad bitch" over a sweet, innocent girl?

I had a guy tell me that he likes "bad bitches" and I was too sweet for him and weak and mousey. He made me feel like I was boring. What's a "bad bitch" anyway? He didn't like that I was soft-spoken either. He made me feel like everything was wrong with me.

That stayed with me for a long time though. He likes a girl with a tough personality. I'm not a party person nor I drink. I actually like going to church. I'm in graduate school, so I'm trying to better myself yet I wasn't good enough for him. I'm trying to live the best life that I can :-) I have a really big heart and treated him very well... royalty treatment lol.

The men I have met in my past still give me headaches just remembering how horrible they treated me. I'm a different person now... I don't let anyone treat me bad anymore or like a doormat.

A guy's perspective would be appreciated... thanks! :-)
Why would a guy choose a "bad bitch" over a sweet, innocent girl?
17 Opinion