Do you use self-deprecating humor when you are dating?

OlderAndWiser u
Mr. Steve Martin. . . a truly funny man!
Mr. Steve Martin. . . a truly funny man!
Self-deprecating humor is something that is said, often when the speaker has engaged in a faux pas or misstep, to try to make others laugh and - at least superficially - distract attention away from the gaffe. E. g., if I tripped, stumbled, and felt embarrassed, as I picked myself up, I might joke that "Well, there's a reason why my mother didn't name me 'Grace!'"

The person making the joke feels relieved that their partner is laughing but self-deprecating humor often conveys a message that the joker suffers from low self-esteem. People who use self-deprecating humor frequently are unaware of the underlying message or they will simply deny that such a message is being sent.

Do you use self-deprecating humor in your relationships? Have you been involved with someone who routinely made jokes that put themselves down? Did you wonder about their self-esteem?
What is this thing "dating?"
I don't use humor when I am dating. It doesn't come naturally to me.
When dating, my humor is limited to repeating jokes that I have heard.
When dating, I use humor in casual conversation but I NEVER use self-deprecating humor.
When dating, I use humor in casual conversation but I RARELY use self-deprecating humor.
When dating, I use humor in casual conversation and I SOMETIMES use self-deprecating humor.
When dating, I use humor in casual conversation and I FREQUENTLY use self-deprecating humor.
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Do you use self-deprecating humor when you are dating?
29 Opinion