Kissed her now what?

Ok so I go on this date with this girl went great had fun, she had fun well I ended up kissing her, and then after I asked if she wanted to go on a second date, and she said defiantly, so I talked to her the other day and I asked if she wanted to go on another date and she said she might go do something with her friend, so I said oh ok and kind of left it at that.

Well I haven't really talked to her since a couple days ago, just because I've been extremely busy with all kinds school stuff, and also I didn't want to annoy her because we all have stuff to do.

I'm a little bit confused here, ok I normally have girls who call me or text me wanting to do stuff like party, or just to hang out, and yet the girl I went on a date with whom I am interested in doesn't, and I thought that was a little bit unusual that she hasn't contacted me by phone or text.

So I asked one of my lady friends on why this could be that she hasn't called me or anything, and she goes your the guy, the guy is supposed to call the girl.

My questions would be this, If the date went great, no awkward silences, no bad vibes, plenty of laughs, stuff like that everything was great. Then you kiss her and she kiss you back, and says she would defiantly want to go on a second date, what's the deal here? Why hasn't she contacted me, is she expecting me to contact her?

I really need some ladies opinions on this, cause to me everything that happened on that date seemed like a green light that she is interested in me, especially when I kissed her. I know that she has tests to study for this weekend, but I do want to see her, so should I just say ok and nothing else or should I call her up and ask her if she wants to take a break and let me bring her some dinner or something, cause I don't want her to lose interest in me and yet I don't want her to see me as only a friend, what do you recommend I do?

Kissed her now what?
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