Is there something wrong with her?

I’m a junior in hs and the girl is a sophomore but she’s still older than me. she was on the basketball team and I was a cheerleader. The coach asked me , her, and this other girl to do something and that’s how I noticed her. She asked the other girl what my name was but didn’t know I was looking. and plus she grabbed my hand and helped me off the tractor that we used to get where we had to go. She was kinda tomboyish and sporty but she hung around some of my girly friends. We had mutual friends but whenever she wore a dress she looked out of place

She would stare at me a lot. She had a friend who was in my art class and she would hang around her a lot. One day I was walking to art with one of my friends and her and her friend were standing downstairs. My friend caught up with her boyfriend and the girl started walking with me and she found out my friends boyfriend brought donuts and she was like “why didn’t you tell me, we could have shared them”. I just laughed and started walking faster. the next week we came downstairs again and her and her friend were blocking the hallway and I tried to go around and she crossed me up and kept moving in front of me and then laughed

The staring went on for the rest of the year and it was so obvious lol. She followed me into the locker room. Also one day near Christmas she stood right in the middle of the hallway and stared at me. once I was walking into a hallway with my sister and she literally sees me and backs up and goes the other way and my sister noticed and it was embarrassing

What was her deal? I’m not popular or anything lol and she never did this to anyone else. Soo yeah I don't know I’m not flattering myself but it was sooo obvious sometimes. I feel like if she thought I was pretty or something she would have told me or if she wanted to be friends things would’ve went different. She took the creepy route so what do y’all think? If I ever end up alone with her again, what could I say to really test her
Is there something wrong with her?
1 Opinion