How did you handle get hit on by a married woman?

I've been noticing in the last ten years or so that I've been getting hit on more and more by married women. How do I know they are married? One minute they have a wedding ring on and the next it disappears. Or family photos on their desk suddenly disappear or found face down. At first I took it as casual flirting, but then it started to turn more towards "Lets get together for conversation" or just down right, "Hey my husband won't be around this weekend, how about we get together at my place." It's gotten to the point that if I ask a woman out or I suspect the above, I will recon her on social media. One woman who did the disappearing ring routine, I saw all her wedding photos on social media, but oddly though I couldn't see her husband's face, they were all of her. Anyway, guys, tell me, tell all, how have you handled such a situation or perhaps you haven't been in such a predicament, how would you handle this situation?
How did you handle get hit on by a married woman?
6 Opinion