Does it mean anything if a woman talks to you on the phone for 3 hours?

Been in straight up in love with this girl for 7 years. Once upon a time we were really close but over the years we had a few argumemts and falling outs but always made up and maintained contact. Even on 2 separate ocassions months apart from eachother 4-5 years ago she drunk dialed me, told me she was in love with me, and then claimed to not remember. She's also rejected me a few times over the years. But little does she realize we're the perfect match for eachother lol. After not talking to her for 4 months after kinda, I texted her just to say hi but then she called me just to talk for 2 and a half hours. Then she had to go for about an hour, then she falled me back again for another half hour! Most of the time its just mushy flirting and picking on eachother and laughter, etc etc.

Does this mean anything or do you ladies like to talk to guy friends this long? This is driving me crazy!! Thanks
Does it mean anything if a woman talks to you on the phone for 3 hours?
3 Opinion