Is it game over for single women at 30+ (and single mums)? Should they give up on men and so kill themself? Guys, would you date women in their 30s+?

I know i sound like a femcel but i have read the posts of many guys on gag/youtube and most of them want young women without kids. It just scares me since i am afraid of being alone and i rather would kill myself than being alone. So i am afraid of being 30+. I only have 9 years time.
I would date women in their 30s+
I am a young man and so i would not date them but i would date them if i was also in my 30s+
I only would date women under 30s although i am at my 30s+
I would date women at 30+ although i am younger than 30s
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I am 21 and in 9 years i am 30. It is so scary to me. I am afraid of being old
+1 y
I can understand when young men want young women aka woman their age and i also understand guys without kids wanting women like them. However, it scares me that many men may only want women under 30s without kids even if these men are in their 30s and may also have kids
Is it game over for single women at 30+ (and single mums)? Should they give up on men and so kill themself? Guys, would you date women in their 30s+?
39 Opinion