Why is he still my friend and watching me on social media?

So before I met my current boyfriend (who I love very much), I briefly dated a guy who tricked me into having sex with him. When I thought things were about to get serious, he just never tried to see me again and used his test as an excuse.

I saw he updated his dating profile too, at the time. Anyway we would still talk off and on. Then I got my current boyfriend. The guy got jealous and tried to flirt and get me to sleep with him. I'm loyal and told him that it was flattering but no, we'd only be friends.

A few months later, he tried again. I told him that I don't want to bring up the past, I'd only care for him as a friend, I'm loyal, and I love my boyfriend. He said okay. He has yet to try to speak to me again but he looks at my stories time to time. Especially ones I mention my boyfriend. Shoot, even my display picture is of me and my boyfriend.

When he first mentioned that he was jealous of my boyfriend, he said that he'd honestly never commit. To add to the weirdness factor, he's told me his full name, where he is from, and we have similar spiritual beliefs. he's told me that very few people know his real name. He keeps me on his Facebook but adds and removes people or finds himself removed.

Why does he hover or talk (ed) to me if he just wanted sex from me? He's Indian and so is my boyfriend, if that helps.
Why is he still my friend and watching me on social media?
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