Distant? When can I reach out? Is this normal?

I’ve been officially dating this guy for close to two months and things have been going GREAT. Like, we’ve both made it clear that we like each other a lot and it seems to have promising potential to continue. He actually even introduced me to his parents on Saturday (it was pretty casual, but it went really well 🙂). We made plans for this coming weekend as well.

Anyhoo, we normally talk or at least text every day, but this week has been weird…he’s just seemed more distant (I don’t think I’m imagining it 🤷🏼‍♀️) and I haven’t heard from him in over a day now. That’s a first.
I know he’s busy and I don’t want him to feel like he HAS to check in... And honestly, I don’t expect to have a full conversation every day (our lives aren’t that interesting).. I just want to know he’s okay because it’s so out of the ordinary. (I mean, honestly my insecure side wants to know if I did something wrong an am oblivious to it, but I’m trying not to let my past trauma affect this 😒🙄)

Anyways, at what point can I reach out without seeming clingy or crazy?
Also, is it normal for communication to go up and down as a relationship progresses? At what point am I supposed to take a hint or be concerned that he’s having second thoughts?

(My dating experience is obviously minimal, so this is all in chartered territory for me.)
+1 y
I sent a text, just saying I was checking to make sure he was alive and whatnot because I usually hear from him at some point. I tried to make it sound super chill, but now I’m afraid I sounded too clingy. Is that clingy? Ugh. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Distant? When can I reach out? Is this normal?
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