Okay so the key word is feel. Get 2 magnets it has a front side and the back side the bigger the better but it doesn't really matter with your first finger and thumb on each hand swirls of magnets around each other don't let them touch do you have a positive and negative side on each magnet flipping around and do the same thing on the negative side they will be pulled together to a certain distance and stop and then you cannot push them together anymore feel the feelings between the two magnets until I go into your fingers into your hands into your arms and times it by 100 on the positive side they will want to come together get them as close as you possibly can as roll them around each other but don't let them touch. Do the same thing incorporate that feeling into your fingers into your hands into your arms so on throughout your whole body if you're going to do this please send me a message and I will explain further
00 Reply
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- +1 y
Best thing in this world. World-changing. It feels even more wonderful than you can fathom. Nobody can put this into words. People have been trying to do that... forever (and only succeed clumsily). It's everything you're hoping it'll be... times a million. You'll see when it happens to you. 🙂
01 Reply- +1 y
Except if you get friendzoned by who u love
I am sure healthy love is supposed to feel good. If it's toxic, it feels like a roller coaster but you stick around because the highs feel very good. The lows however feel very low. That's when you have to make a decision.
12 Reply
Amazing, beautiful, magical but then you get hurt so bad when that person's love expires like a product.
I feel indifferent now. Can never trust anyone.10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Like gorging on a half cream filled donuts or a 10" freshly baked pie and sipping down hot coffee on a cold winter morning in gluttonous bliss without a care about anything else in the world. Everything else could be burning around you but as long as you got the warmth and the sweetness who gives af? A good woman will make you feel the same... or guy in your case haha.
11 Reply- +1 y
I don't even know cos I'm not totally sure if I have been in love before, I think I have but I could be confusing it with something else
For me, it felt like a crack addiction, being with that person... You can't be around them enough cos jus being in their company makes you feel happy and at home.. like that's where you should be at all times... And also you just love the way they are, like their personality... You want to do stuff for them and there's nothing you wouldn't do jus to make them happy... Like, you care about them.. and you feel like you relate to them and more in common with them than anyone else in the world.. like no other friend can come close to the bond you two have and you don't want to ever leave them, want to be with them forever03 Reply- +1 y
And they are also the most attractive person in the world to you, even if they're only average or slightly above average... You will accept all their flaws and see them as 10/10
- +1 y
Also if you feel like you want to hug and kiss them a lot maybe that's a sign of love. I don't know
- +1 y
And another thing... You can't stay mad at them for long... no matter what bad they do you will always love them and nothing can change it
- +1 y
It is the transcendence of life. You feel complete and you feel like nothing is out of reach. You will feel invincible and always feel that protection and desire to be together and memories will be of you both now not just yourself. It is glorious something we all need to experience.
11 Reply- +1 y
have you?
- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
Stupid, bull headed, in denial, fantasy, blind, non factual, careless. Buck deer get careless and brave when they are in the rut, chasing the doe's, wanting to fuck something. They get easier for a hunter to kill them. Male humans are very similar.
02 Reply- +1 y
- +1 y
I did not understand what you said
3.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. I couldn't tell ya but go out there and eat some good food.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
You just feel so happy all the time. It’s like unlimited Christmas feeling.
00 Reply - +1 y
It feels like a Drug overdose
10 Reply 509 opinions shared on Dating topic. You have a reason to live.
10 Reply18.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. It feels awesome your heart makes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
00 Reply1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. It hurts when you are apart.
00 ReplySo so happy
00 ReplyNo clue.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
It's feels good
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