Choose/comment below, which outfit would make the worse first impression if your date wore it?

If your date showed up in one of the above outfits, which would turn you off the most to the point that you walk out instantly after they introduce themselves? Base it off the gender/sex you’re romantically interested in. I ran out of poll room so i listed one girl and one guy choice per option. #FeelFreeToList #TheDateFromHell
If she was determined to settle down and showed up in a wedding dress; If he was determined to get laid and showed up in a Chippendales “tux”
If they were both goody two shoes and showed up in a priest or nun outfit to preach to you about getting closer to the Lord
If she was determined to get pregnant and showed up in a mini dress; If he was looking to buy your love and showed up in a pimp suit
If she was looking to be spoiled and showed up in a gold digger costume; If he was looking to show he had a sense of humor and showed up in a clownsuit
If she hated her parents and showed up in a creepy baby doll outfit with a voodoo doll; If he was a mama’s boy and showed up in a onesie
If she wanted to be comfortable and showed up in a granny night gown with rollers in her hair; If he wanted to show you his other half and showed up as a crossdresser
If they showed up fresh out of a mental institution or jail with the chains still on
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
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Look i know they’re all bad (WHICH IS THE POINT TO MAKE THE DECISION HARDER) but can everyone please choose one on the poll and comment one below? I want to discuss these different perspectives 🤣 I was torn between the crossdresser and the prisoner. Now if the prisoner can guarantee nobody stole his booty in jail then he's a keeper and i deem the Caitlyn Jenner crossdresser twins as the worse options above for me personally 😭😂
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Im really shocked guys aren't seeing the doll as the worse option. I’m shocked girls aren't seeing the crossdresser as the worst option. But either way, the responses and different perspectives were really fun to read haha
Choose/comment below, which outfit would make the worse first impression if your date wore it?
47 Opinion