Do you and your partner argue?

Me and my ex had small arguments which were more like simple disagreements caused by me acting dumb such as saying that democrats were fabricating Covid to step on people's freedom when we were frustrated that she couldn't fly in to see me.

She was a bit annoyed with me, understandably so and I apologized afterwards. Other than that, the only drama we had was with her disapproving family members being hard on her. As for my current relationship, we've only had one incident that could be considered an argument which was when I'd contacted a cousin of hers and told him that me and her were together as I'd grown impatient over her not telling her family due to fear that her mother, who's very sick, would throw her out (she's in law school and works part time) because she's absolutely insane with how protective she is with her.

I told her the whole truth about who I'd contacted but only got a response from one person whom I explained our relationship to and even got approval from. I apologized to her and went in depth as to why I was sorry and she forgave me. Besides that, we've never had any arguments at all, not even a disagreement. We're a great match and I'm very thankful that we can both be genuine with eachother and somehow no conflict arises from it.

I think a big part of why we get along so well beyond how similar we are to eachother is how from day 1, we've told the whole truth and nothing but the truth to eachother and trust eachother greatly. Do you and your partner fight?
Do you and your partner argue?
We fight
We don't fight
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Do you and your partner argue?
11 Opinion