How to progress this situation a bit?

Im 26, I've been on 2 dates with this guy who's also 26. He's super nice, we've hit it off really well. I'm seeing him again this weekend, and we both have a free whole day and are planning on that. The main issue is, im not sure what the dynamic is. It feels semi platonic. I'm not THAT attracted to him, but have become more so the longer that we've talked. Which is why I want to see where this goes. Because I do think he's a genuinely nice guy. We've yet to be especially flirtatious or physical. We've hugged and that's it so far. He definitely is on the more shy side, and I also have a hard time initiating physical contact even though I doubt he'd reject it? Its a little confusing. We've both made it clear that we enjoy each other's company. So any tips on how to gently progress this? I'm not trying to sleep with him asap or anything, just getting at least a little more flirty? We're planning to get lunch, go on a (public ish) hike (yes ill be informing my friends) and some a little. I'm too sure what else. Any tips are appreciated!
How to progress this situation a bit?
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