Why is body positivity movement only for women and not short men?

Everywhere I go, I see women saying accept us for who we are but the same are gonna say 6ft and tall guys only and they have no clue that they are a hypocrite.

Why is that body positivity doesn't include short men, bald men and so on?

Why is that men don't raise their voices as women do? Why men have to face this cruelty?

Why is it that it is right to accept women who have small assets but not right to accept men who are short?

Everywhere I go or see twitter or any social media, it's like 6ft tall men only.

Short men have to stand against this. Otherwise we are gonna get extinct like dodo birds.

Why is that height is considered the top most priority? Like are we not a man if we're not tall? Does it make us less of a man?

Now some are gonna say it is just a preference. Ok, I understand it. But, the point is, it is not preference anymore because if it was a preference not every single women would say the same thing, right? I have not seen a single female preferring a short guy. If it was really a preference there would have been a lot of them who would like short as well. But that's not the case. This leaves short guys out of anyone's preference. And we're the most undesirable creatures in the society.
Why is body positivity movement only for women and not short men?
8 Opinion