I gifted my boyfriend Michael Korus watch but never seen him wear it?

Six months into dating I got my boyfriend gifts. For Valentine’s Day I got us a matching sweaters but before Valentine’s Day I was planning a gift for his birthday which is April 1. And his gift for April 1 arrived which was the Michael Kors watch ($354). The gift arrived before his Valentine’s Day gift so I remember being very excited to give it to him and I told him about it (his birthday gift arriving early ) this was the first man I bought a watch that was expensive, especially so soon into our dating but I appreciate him and I love him so it didn’t matter because I genuinely liked the watch it was sooo perfect. It was blue which is his favorite color and I really thought it would look sexy on him. He loved it when I gave it to him. He said it was a little pricey but he loved it. Ooooh even as girl I found it so sexy. And that was it. we went on multiple dates after that I never saw him wear it. I don’t think he he has wore it for other occasions he probably would’ve showed it to me I don't know how I feel tbh. It just would’ve been nice to be on a date with him and I noticed the watch on his wrist. He has gotten jewelry for me before as a gift and I wore it on our dates and he pointed that out that he liked that that.
I gifted my boyfriend Michael Korus watch but never seen him wear it?
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